Wakefield Bound

Along with lots of other authors I will be in The Ridings Shopping Centre, Wakefield on Saturday 22nd July chatting to passers by and selling copies of Northern Pole. The Book Fair is organised by Promoting Yorkshire Authors and all types of books will be available at...

Bookshops selling Northern Pole

As an independent author I’m delighted to let you know that Kemps Bookshop in Malton and Dean Clough Gallery Shop in Halifax are both stocking Northern Pole. Both are fabulous places to visit and I hope you can do this soon. Kemps General Store – Kemps General...

Radio Interviews

Hello friends, It’s been ten days since Northern Pole’s launch and I’ve thrown myself into a whirlwind of publicity. I’ve had two radio interviews, one with Jorvik Radio and one with BBC Radio York…both a total blast and now available to...

Paperback available now….

I’m delighted to let you know the paperback copy of Northern Pole can be ordered now from Amazon – it’s gone live. How great is that? I brought the date forward. There are so many long weekends coming up soon so a stock-pile of novels is a good idea...

I’ve been busy

Hello and I hope you had a relaxing Easter break. 🙂  Poppy (my dog) and me enjoyed our walks in the warm sun and cold wind…..refreshing. While others were tucking into their Easter chocolates and traditional lamb dishes, or not, Poppy and I have been busy...

Publishing Details

Northern Pole will be available as an eBook on Amazon (Kindle format) on the 17th April and it is available to pre-order now by clicking on the image below or the Amazon link on the home page. https://amzn.to/3TIIQrg

January Update

Proof reading has been completed and I am now in the process of starting the process of getting the book loaded into the Amazon system and organising the physical printing for the printed copy of the book.